Saturday, December 31, 2022

It's a nice morning for a deep


Why swimming is important?

Health benefits of swimming

Builds endurance, muscle strength & cardiovascular fitness 

Getting ready to splash...


Skill comes from consistent & deliberate practice... Shawn Allen


Practice Flip Turn....




The interesting thing about coaching is that you have to trouble the comfortable, and comfort the troubled. ... weekend...




Dead hanging....for warm-up


Sunday, September 18, 2022


 Persistence is the key to unlocks potential..

Happy to see this 7 years old cutie is improving


 Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.... Timothy Gallwey




 The most popular response for swimming teachers, when asked what they love most about the role, is the satisfaction of building a young swimmer's confidence in the water. It's a hugely rewarding experience and one which sticks with some people for the rest of their life

The girls are back...swee...


Cuties on the block.....


A great way to start the month... Smile


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Kicking, kicking & still kicking.....


Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. – Anton Chekhov.


Ready for collection...


Let's Swim....


Getting the right movements.....




Introducing frontcrawl arm movement to this 5 years old cutie...


Another wonderful afternoon session...


Is getting there....well done ๐Ÿ’ช


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

T-Rex against Velociraptors?...๐Ÿ˜„


Let's splash...


It's a awesome day to swim .... With the kids...




Getting ready for the swim session.. smile..


Weekend session done ...



 Breaststroke timing and coordination is a continuous alternating action, where one propulsive phase takes over as one ends. Incorrect timing will make good leg kick and arm techniques cancel each other out and render them ineffective. A good way of practising the timing sequence is to perform it in slow motion

Getting ready for the lesson...


TGI Friday smile...


Why is it important to practice the underwater dolphin kicks?

 It is important to practice the body undulation and dolphin kick until you can perform them well without fins. This will make learning the butterfly stroke much easier.

Underwater kicking is the fastest swimming stroke. Let's get it right....


Sunset Swim...


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Reasons to kick

 The main reason is that a flutter kick creates lift for the legs so your legs will stay high positioned in the water. The higher the legs, the less drag, the faster (or easier) you will swim.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Why is shoulder rotation important ...swimming

 As you rotate from one side to the other side while swimming freestyle, you are transferring power between your arms and shoulders through your core, back and chest muscles. Because these muscles are considered some of the strongest in the body, especially for swimmers, you can generate more power

Having a great time with this one...


Sunday, March 13, 2022

"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. ... This 5.5 years old cutie is getting better each session...๐Ÿ‘


Why is water confidence important....

 The main aim of building up water confidence is to prevent fear, which can lead to panic – the most common cause of drowning. By teaching your child about the properties of water you can help to reduce or eliminate this fear by showing them how to be safe and also have fun with water.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Trying the new toy.... snorkel


For my advance swimmers...

 Benefits of Training with a Swim Snorkel

1. Balance out your stroke
2. Encourages you to keep your face down in freestyle.
3. Forces you to keep a straight head.
4. It’s use can be done (mostly) without interfering with proper technique
5. You can actually swim faster with the snorkel
6. A fuller kick
7. Great for kick sets.
8. Increases feel for the water