Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bilateral breathing helps with the balance and symmetry in your stroke.


A quick workouts before coaching sessions...


Only perfect practice makes perfect.


After 2months of resting cos of a fractured arm, he's back in the pool again...💪


It's Friday again..... let's Swim


Learn to swim session


Working on underwater fly kick.....


Some core exercises while it's raining....


A morning workout... kayaking...


Learn to start correctly... Step by step...


My favourite kawaii session...




Weekend sessions done...


Catch me if u can....😉


I'm glad to see the boys have stay in good form after they have stopped the sessions more than a year.... Swimmers must develop the proper stroke mechanics and feel for the water at a very young age.


Swimming with fins improves body position by adding velocity to the stroke and also teaching the body how to swim faster on top of the water.